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Tuesday, August 10, 2010

JetBlue Flight attendant Steven Slater: Hero or criminal?

JetBlue's Steven Slater loses it.

After being hit on the head by an allegedly rude passenger’s luggage, JetBlue flight attendant Steven Slater blew off some verbal steam on the intercom system, grabbed some beverages and slid out the emergency exit. He is scheduled to appear in court today to face charges of criminal mischief, reckless endangerment, and trespassing. He could face up to seven years in jail if he is convicted.

As a conservative I have mixed feelings on this. Obviously he broke the rules, the law and did not handle himself professionally. However, given the nature of the way he was treated, the cut throat nature of the business world and his having to deal with dying parents, I can't say I blame him.

I wouldn't say "hero", but to me he is an example of someone who was brave enough to finally stand up to dealing with stupid jerks. Companies still lean towards pleasing the customer as they look at their bottom line. Who is left to deal with the day to day grief from the public? You guessed it: the smucks who work the aisles.

Unless there was another reason to give him more, I'd have him plead guilty to the charges in return for probation and counseling and then wish him well. He's obviously already been tormented enough in life, including on the job.

A small part of me says give him his own reality show. Why not, there are plenty of non-deserving jerks who get their 15 minutes of fame. :^)


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